Kit Digital for SMEs and freelancers: MyTaskPanel Consulting inside

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MyTaskPanel Consulting joins as Digitizing Agent to the Aid Program for the Digitization of small businesses, micro-businesses and self-employed people, within the Kit Digital Program for SMEs and the self-employed. Keep reading and take advantage of the possibility of boosting your business.

What is this opportunity about?

Kit Digital is an initiative of the Government of Spain, to subsidize the implementation of digital solutions available on the market, in order to achieve a significant advance in the level of digital maturity.

To whom?

The Kit Digital is aimed at SMEs and self-employed people with between 1 and 49 workers who meet the requirements set by the Government. The maximum amounts granted will depend on the size of the company. These are divided into 3 segments:

  • Segment I: €12,000 (Companies with between 10 and 49 employees).
  • Segment II: €6,000 (Companies with between 3 and 9 employees).
  • Segment III: €2,000 (Companies with between 1 and 2 employees and freelancers).

What are the requirements to request the Kit Digital?

  • Being a small business, micro-business or self-employed person (between 1 and 49 workers).
  • Being registered in Acelera Pyme and carrying out the digital test for your company.
  • Complying with the financial and effective limits that define the categories of companies.
  • Being registered and having the minimum seniority established by call.
  • Being up to date with tax obligations and Social Security.
  • Not incurring in any of the prohibitions provided for in article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.
  • Not exceeding the minimum aid limit (small amount).

How is it requested?

1. Sign up for Acelera Pyme

The first step is to register the requesting company on the Acelera PYME website. Perform a self-diagnosis test to assess the digital maturity (intensity) of the company.

2. Check the solutions catalog

Once the test has been carried out, you can review the Catalog of digital solutions to find out about the existing packages and select those options that are of interest for their implementation in the company.

3. Request your Kit Digital bonus

You can then request the Kit Digital help at the electronic headquarters (, by filling in a form that will be available soon.

4. Select a solution provider

The fourth step is to select the digitizing agent that will provide the chosen solutions. At this point, we highlight that MyTaskPanel Consulting meets the conditions required to be a digitizing agent. Therefore, we will offer Website, Electronic Commerce, Virtual Office Services, Process Management and Electronic Invoicing solutions.

5. Sign the solution provision agreement

The last step involves contacting the digitizing agent (in this case, MyTaskPanel Consulting), signing the agreement to provide digital solutions and carrying out the work, in exchange for the bonus obtained. The latter will be delivered directly to the digitizing agent, in accordance with the fulfillment of the two delivery milestones of the solution (3 months and 12 months).

Digital solutions that we offer through the Kit Digital bonus

Website and internet presence (Website development)

The main objective of this category is that you can have a website to give you visibility on the internet.

Electronic Commerce (Development of electronic commerce site)

The ultimate goal is to create your website for the sale of products and/or services, which uses digital means for their exchange. In addition to giving visibility to your brand, you will have an online store.

Virtual Office Services (MyTaskPanel SaaS Project Management Software)

The main objective is to implement interactive and functional solutions in your company, which allow the most efficient collaboration between your workers.

Process management (DS Management | DS ERP | DS ERP Market)

The purpose here is to digitize and/or automate your business processes, related to operational or productive aspects.

Electronic invoice (DS Electronic invoice)

With this solution, you can have the flow of issuing invoices to your customers digitized.

The Kit Digital for SMEs and self-employed people is a great opportunity. At MyTaskPanel Consulting, we’d love to help you get your business off the ground.


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